Grief is hard

Yet again, I have left two years in between posts. A lot can happen in that time and it certainly has. In 2018, my beautiful mum was diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and underwent surgery to remove the tumour in her lung. The operation was a success and part of her lung was removed.

Naomi, Mum and I

After surgery, they found out that she didn’t have NSCL, but Small Cell Lung Cancer instead. This meant, that had they known, they wouldn’t have offered her surgery and would have probably just recommended chemo.

Mum still had two rounds of chemo but it was hard on her body and so she had her last round in February 2019. In May 2019, we got the all-clear! I remember being happy, but also I still had reservations at the back of my mind.

Throughout this time, we celebrated, spent time together and got on with our everyday lives. Mum kept mentioning that her legs felt funny, and several times we were back up the hospital or at various appointments – only to be told it was the after-effects from the chemo.

Mum knew something wasn’t right and at the time we thought she was reading too much into things and being paranoid – bless her!

In February 2020, after months of mum advising the consultants that something was wrong and pushing for a brain scan – we were hit with the devastating news – the cancer had metastasised to the brain and she had only three months to live! I can’t explain what a knock to the heart those words were – bless her – I can’t imagine how she must have felt.

There’s so much to write on this subject, but I guess I will have to leave it a bit before I do, and so, will revisit it at another time. Let’s just say that it was tough, but we also had some beautiful moments together – ones to cherish forever!

Mum passed away on 4th June 2020, and was laid to rest on 22nd June 2020 – she will forever be missed. Love you mum!!

I’ve always wanted to climb Kilimanjaro and in memory of mum and to raise money for charity – that’s exactly what I will be doing on 20th of this month.

If you would like to support, then I am raising money for The Garden House Hospice and Cancer Research. Any donation is greatly appreciated.

Take a look out for my write up on my experience next month…..hopefully this will kickstart my blog back up!!

About Egyptna Travels

Traveller, actress and author who believes in positive frequencies and the law of attraction. Continually striving to be a better person - to learn, love and accept more about myself and others. This universe is full of wonderful things - it's down to us to open our eyes and see them and make the most of our time here. #letsmakeitcount
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